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COMO SI FUERA VIENTO (As If It Were Wind) is a film by Alex Reynolds. I got to know the filmmaker, who divides her time between Brussels and Berlin, during my fellowship at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. Since then, what has fascinated me most about her work is the intimacy of her cinematic vision that she is able to transfer to certain contexts and situations. Using a clever mix of documentary and staged footage, she simulates an immediate proximity to the action. I want to spend a week of exchange with Alex, focusing on the extent to which viewing can create intimacy. What is the expansive and invasive potential of the viewer? How is this potential directed and choreographed by image-rhythm and sound? What parallels can be drawn between her film work and my choreographic practice? In a studio context, we will share our thoughts with interested parties during an open talk and show COMO SI FUERA VIENTO.
– Natascha Moschini

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