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Dampfzentrale Bern is a meeting place for innovative, contemporary forms of performance, dance and music. In the wonderful ambience of the former industrial site on the banks of the river Aare, audiences can enjoy a truly exceptional cultural experience. As a presentation venue, we stage guest performances and concerts of a broad range of genres and styles. The arts center at the river is an interactive breeding ground for artists: Every day, artists spend time rehearsing here, exchanging ideas with each other and with audiences.

The festivals Tanz in Bern, Full of Lava (f.k.a Saint Ghetto), since 2022, EXPOP are highlights of the cultural calendar in the city.

Dampfzentrale Bern is dedicated to improving equality for all genders in the workplace. Our team is currently working on promoting diversity and combating discrimination through an organisa-tional development strategy. Applications from People of Colour, people with a family history of migration and representatives of groups that are under-represented in the art world are, there-fore, expressly welcome. We are very much aware and conscious of the fact that the majority of employees at Dampfzentrale Bern are white, not disabled and that this represents a special situa-tion for new members of staff from the BIPoC community and/or with disabilities.

PRODUCTION co-manager (70%)

BAR Manager (50% annual working hours)

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