The festival Tanz in Bern is cancelled!
Dampfzentrale and all theatres in the canton of Bern will be shut down until the 23rd of November. This includes the cancellation of all performances.
We were looking forward to our yearly ray of light and to getting together with you, our audience. Until the last possible moment we were hoping that Tanz in Bern could happen. «Dear Darkness» caught up with us on the evening before the opening.
Further information will follow at a later stage.
The Middle Ages are often referred to as the «Dark» Ages. However, from a scientific point of view, the idea of a thousand-year-long, dark period in our history is controversial. As part of a seminar conducted by the Department of Englishat Bern University, Prof. Dr. Annette Kern-Stähler (co-president of the Berner Mittelalterzentrum), Dr. Nicole Nyffenegger and students will use «Tanz in Bern» to present what the dark in the past was all about.