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CHF 10.– (incl. skates hire)

We’re kicking off this year’s «Tanz in Bern» festival with a true classic: This is your chance to take to the dance floor – with or without your skates on.

Neon Demon plays England’s Hidden Reverse. As a logical transition from Adam Linder’s «Loyalty», the roller-skating rink will be moved by an array of unusual sounds for one hour: Music of the avantgarde band Coil and its sprawling sub-culture.

Mit Feinheit und Gespür und einer Zuneigung zu experimentierfreudiger Popkultur lädt Danimka als Bookerin Musiker:innen aus aller Welt ans B-Sides Festival in Luzern oder in die Dampfzentrale Bern ein. Via unsere Drehscheiben dürfen wir Danimka’s Konglomerat aus all-time favorites und / oder neuesten Ausgrabungen hören.  (Text: Jazzfestival Willisau)

Known on the streets and ingrained into people’s minds as the furious POWER duo of wild parties. Motto: All about house music! ps3000 associate themselves with this genre in the broadest sense and honour the queer community that is a subset of it.

With thanks to Rolljulien for the support and roller-skate rental.

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