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Let’s be honest: It is not only the nice aspects of our personality that make us who we are. In fact, it is the somewhat unattractive and difficult traits that ensure we are unique. But is it a great idea to put the spotlight on them and talk openly about them?

Well, this is what happens in «Accusations» – a performance inspired by Peter Handke’s «Self-Accusation». Through a combination of dance, catwalk and rock concert, which can hardly be surpassed in terms of its coolness and style, the performers take the members of the audience on a journey to their own unappealing personality. Accompanied by pounding rhythms, they search for a better version of themselves.

Fabienne Amlinger, Dramaturgue/ Dampfzentrale Bern

The Belgian choreographer Ann Van den Broek enjoys a strong reputation in the international dance scene thanks to her clear and accessible mode of expression and her striking stage aesthetics; with black generally being her colour of choice. Recurring elements of her work are psychological conditions and the spirit of the time in which we live.



Konzept und Choreografie: Ann Van den Broek. Originalbesetzung: Ann Van den Broek, Gregory Frateur, Jean Gabriel Maury, Laila Gozzi, An Hackselmans, Louis Combeaud, Nik Rajšek, Frauke Mariën. Text: Ann Van den Broek, Gregory Frateur. Video- und Lichtdesign: Bernie van Velzen. Sound und Komposition: Nicolas Rombouts. Kostümdesign: Veronique Branquinho. Textberatung: Hans Timmerman. Beratung: Marc Vanrunxt. Fotos: Maarten Vanden Abeele.

«Accusations» ist eine Produktion von WArd/waRD (NL/BE) in Koproduktion mit dem Rotterdamer Schouwburg/Theater Rotterdam (Rotterdam, NL), ccBe (Antwerpen, BE), Rencontres Chorégraphiques (Sei- ne-Saint-Denis, FR), Accueil Studio: Centre Chorégraphique Nationale de Rillieux-la-Pape (Lyon, FR) und wird durch die finanzielle Unterstützung des Performing Arts Fund NL ermöglicht.

Fotocredit: Maarten Vanden Abeele.

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