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Dauer ca. 70 Minuten
Tickets CHF 30.– / Ermässigt* CHF 15.–
* Kulturlegi, Jugendliche 13–18 J., Studierende, Lehrlinge

There is a tactile floor guidance system in the performance space.

There will be a public rehearsal of “t(R)ans(E.)” on Sunday 28.8. from 4 to 5 pm. Venue: Bern University of the Arts, Papiermühlestrasse 13d.

Pulses emanate into space, overlap and create surprising perspectives. Ensemble RT60 EXTENDED transforms the concert hall.


RT60 EXTENDED: «t(R)ans(E.)» (2022, UA)



RT60 EXTENDED: Olivier Pasquet, Elektronik; Morgan Ågren, Drums & Perkussion; Benoit Piccand, Gitarren, Elektronik, Sound Diffusion; Michel Wintsch, Klavier, Synths; Lars Tuchel, Elektronik; Lisa Mark, Elektronik; Candid Rütter, Elektronik; Laurens Inauen, Elektronik, Sound Diffusion

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