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Tickets CHF 19.- / 26.- / 33.-
Price category freely selectable
Kulturlegi: 15.- (Box office only)
Further ticket information (U18, Kultur-GA, wheelchair spaces)

duration: one hour
spoken languages on stage: none


For her third creation, choreographer Maud Blandel invites dancer Maya Masse to develop an approach of composition based on Mozart’s series of Divertimenti*. From this research was born a reorchestration of the Divertimento K.136 for a unique quartet: three soloists from the Ensemble Contrechamps from Geneva and one dancer.

What are the characteristics of such a musical genre? How can they be given not only the ability to be heard but also to be seen? What does this new organization reveal about the function of entertainment? To this work of translation (from a musical score to a choreographic composition) a second dimension will be added: the perception of time.

Thus, the piece explores questions of speed: what is it to contract or dilate time? Physically? Musically? How then can multiple speeds coexist? What does such a game of (de)synchronization produce in terms of expressiveness?

Diverti Menti works towards the creation a polyphony, a musical entity, freed from narrative necessities, whose four voices dedicate themselves to the same activity: to play with speed, to thwart time.

*Divertimento is a musical genre that has been particularly popular since the second half of the 18th century. Being more valuable to be heard rather than simply listened to, they were and are typically played during social and high society events.


concept and choreography: Maud Blandel
concept and interpretation: Maya Masse
music: W.A. Mozart, A. Françoise, S. Aeschimann
with: Maya Masse (danseuse), Simon Aeschimann (guitare), Serge Bonvalot (tuba), Antoine Françoise (piano), et en alternance avec Samuel Fried (piano) et Flavio Virzi (guitare)
light design: Daniel Demont
light technician: Edouard Hügli
musical analysis: Alain Franco
regard extérieur: Romane Peytavin
production and touring: Claudia Petagna for Parallèle
production and touring: I L K A

In collaboration with l’Ensemble Contrechamps de Genève

Production and Touring: Parallèle – Pôle de production international pour les pratiques artistiques émergentes

Coproduction: Arsenic – centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne | ADC – Association pour la Danse Contemporaine, Genève | Contrechamps, Ensemble de musique contemporaine de Genève   
Touring support: Corodis

With the support of Fonds culturel de la Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA)

The piece was developed within the framework of the European project « More Than This ».

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