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Language: German, Swiss German, English and Spanish
Duration:  20 minutes
No Admission Fee

The amuse tête takes place in the context of Nadia Beugré’s “Prophétique (on est déjà né.es)”.


What is amuse tête?

Unique insights from experts get you in the mood for the performances. A special introduction to the evening together, and guaranteed spoiler-free.


Sascha shares with us the latest, what comes out of their writing room: So to speak fresh ab corazón Sascha leads us through their Minnesänge to a reciprocated, but unattainable love. The collection of poems has the hopeless title «My Venus is in Cancer».



Sascha Rijkeboer

Sascha Rijkeboer grew up in a small village near Solothurn and has gained recognition throughout German-speaking Switzerland primarily for making non-binary people visible. A fervent activist on various levels, they were depicted by a filmmaker from Basel in the award-winning film «Being Sascha». Sascha expresses their artistic talent through writing, performing, theatre and film. Their most recent publication is the essay collection «Oh Boy» (Kanonverlag Berlin). 

Stage Program

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