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«Soft Tissue» is a road trip, an obscene odyssey along worn-out erogenous zones that negotiate political territories, both publicly and intimately. The performance artists Natascha Moschini and Marie Popall have chosen a figure that colonises the sensual world of both – the protagonist Soft.

Soft is body, thing and material. She travels through current political debates about sexual violence and female sexuality. She follows their portrayals in the media and asks how she can make sense of her own sexuality when facing such patriarchal ideas of lust and morality. With this question in mind, Soft seeks out public spaces that appear both inconspicuous and dangerous and where «female desire» and «sexual violence» meet. Shaped by events and narratives, she investigates the ambivalences of these spaces that oscillate somewhere between fear and pleasure.

«Soft Tissue» therefore deals with the embodiment and restrictions of female desire and focuses on the (in)visibility of female sexuality within patriarchal structures and the currently much debated grey areas of sexual consensus.



Konzept, Idee und Performance: Natascha Moschini & Marie Popall. Bühne: Lilli Unger. Dramaturgie: Thomas Schaupp. Sound: Zooey Agro. Produktionsleitung: Kathrin Walde.

Eine Koproduktion von Dampfzentrale Bern, ROXY Birsfelden, Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich, Südpol Luzern. Projekt begleitet von Danse & Dramaturgie, ein Programm initiiert von Théâtre Sévelin 36, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Dampfzentrale Bern, Tanzhaus Zürich, TU-Théâtre de l’Usine, ROXY Birsfelden, mit Unterstützung von Pro Helvetia und SSA Société Suisse des Auteurs. Gefördert durch Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater BS/BL, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Kultur Stadt Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, Schweizerische Interpretengesellschaft SIS, Swisslos Kanton Bern.

Fotocredits: Nicole Pfister

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