Everyone should be free to pursue their own happiness – but how does this actually work? In «The Pursuit of Happiness», the dancers become happiness hunters. They are convinced that movement and, in particular, dance are powerful tools to generate, process and transmit feelings. The performers also believe that happiness is a common property. As such, they strive to improve the collective mood through interaction with the audience members.
Masks required.
Choreographie: Joshua Monten. Tanz: Marioenrico D’Angelo, Angela Demattè, Frederik Kaijser, Jack Wignall. Dramaturgie: Guy Cools. Bühnenbild: Romy Springsguth. Kostümbild: Catherine Voeffray. Licht: Mirjam Berger. Musikalische Dramaturgie: Moritz Alfons. Ausbildung: Giulia Esposito, Katharina Ludwig. Produziert von: Verein Tough Love.
Koproduziert von: Dampfzentrale Bern, Südpol Luzern
Gefördert durch: Pro Helvetia, SWISSLOS / Kultur Kanton Bern, Kultur Stadt Bern, Burgergemeinde Bern, Migros Kulturprozent, GVB Kulturstiftung, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Bürgi-Willert-Stiftung, Gwärtler Stiftung, SSA–FARS.
Fotocredits: Jonas Kambli