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Tickets CHF 19.- / 26.- / 33.-
Preiskategorie frei wählbar
Kulturlegi: 15.- (nur Abendkasse)
Weitere Ticketinfos (U18, Kultur-GA, Rollstuhlplätze)

Duration: 60 minutes
No language

Rollstuhlfahrer*innen Audio description
Easy Language:
The title Forme(s) de vie is French.
It means life-forms.
Imagine: Every movement is suddenly exhausting.
Two people with limited movement struggle with this.
They used to be professional boxer and dancer.
Three dancers play their prostheses.
Film scenes are also part of the play.
The performance is an experience: wonderful and delicate.

What gestures would you maintain if every movement became a challenge, a struggle that required your full attention? In Forme(s) de vies, two performers* with limited mobility, a former professional boxer and a female dancer, link up with their former movement practice. Three dancers become their human prostheses and part of a collective and intimate choreography.

Who is leading whom here? Questions of trust, consent and self-determination are negotiated – sometimes as a tangible feat of strength, sometimes seemingly weightless. Compagnie Shonen combines live performance and film to create an event of overwhelming tenderness in an otherwise highly individualized, competitive and technologized present.


Concepteur, chorégraphe, réalisateur: Eric Minh Cuong Castaing
Forme(s) de vie a été conçu en collaboration artistique avec Aloun Marchal Co-chorégraphe & Marine Relinger
Co-chorégraphe: Aloun Marchal
Dramaturge, scénariste, 1ère assistante à la réalisation & scripte: Marine Relinger
Interprètes sur scène: Elise Argaud, Yumiko Funaya, Aloun Marchal, Kamel Messelleka, Nans Pierson, avec la participation à l’image de Martial Bucher, Soizic Carbonnel, Jeanne Colin, Yoshiko Kinoshita, Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, Annie Ode, Bruno Santilli.
Scénographie: Anne-Sophie Turion
Créateur sonore: Renaud Bajeux
Lumière: Nils Doucet
Costume: Silvia Romanelli
Régisseur technique: Virgile Capello
Chef opérateur vidéo: Victor Zébo
Ingénieur du son: François charrier, Samuel Poiree
Chef monteuse: Lucie Brux
Etalonnage: Alexis Lambotte Label 42 studio
Production: Claire Crova
Administration: Lauren Laffargue
Direction de production (films) : Scarlett
Attachée de production et administration: Adèle Rivet
Service civique: Agathe Bougrine

Forme(s) de vie wird ermöglicht durch eine Zusammenarbeit mit IntegrART, ein Netzwerkprojekt des Migros-Kulturprozent.

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