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Get inspired! Choose a new career!


Get inspired by « Speed Dating » with dancers who successfully pursued in a new profession

Share ideas and take advantage from others‘ experience and network from others’ experience & network

Benefit from individual counseling



  • Yorkie Chadwick, webmaster-lead developer, former dancer

  • Sebastian Gibas, special needs educator, administrator, lecturer, former dancer and choreographer

  • Sun Hye Hur, Chinese medicine and massage therapist

  • Alessandra Mattana, BA contemporary dance coordinator at Haute Ecole des arts de la scène, Master IOMBA, former dancer

October 29 (16:00) Dampfzentrale Bern, Marzilistrasse 47


FREE! Registration mandatory: contact@dance-transition.ch or info@ssudk.ch


Languages: English, possible translations in French and German

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