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Dampfzentrale showing

We’re showing our progress in the creation for the upcoming production ‘greywax 140’, Premiere on 16th February 2023 in Tojo theater Bern.
6 dancers and 1 musician trying to test their understanding of the world and each other. We research the effects of a polarising society while making sense of what is important. They look for ways to deal with bullshit and disagreements, while trying to staying rooted in reality.
The studio is open for people to be part of rehearsal and give us the chance to share selected scenes with an audience.

What is the purpose of a Sharing?

Artists who spend a residency at the Dampfzentrale Bern have the option of a Sharing. Sharings are public rehearsals where artists meet an interested audience. They offer the public an insight into the creative processes of artists. For their part, the artists use the Sharing to show interested parties what they are currently working on and what keeps them busy in an uncomplicated setting. The Dampfzentrale team discusses the Sharing with the artists in advance and moderates it.


The entry to the sharings at Dampfzentrale Bern is free.



Inszenierung/Choreografie: Victor Rottier
Tanz: Angela Demattè, Egon Gerber, Melissa Kieffer, Aline Perino, Niki Anjes Stalder, Juan Tirado
Musik: Martin Waespe
Kostüme: Luisa Later
Bühnenbild: Anan Striker
Lichtdesign: Pascal Pompe
Produktionsleitung: Niki Anjes Stalder
Produktionsassistenz: Melissa Kieffer, Victor Rottier.

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