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Tickets CHF 19.- / 26.- / 33.-
Preiskategorie frei wählbar
Kulturlegi: 15.- (nur Abendkasse)
Weitere Ticketinfos (U18, Kultur-GA, Rollstuhlplätze)


The shows on march 17 & march 20 are school performances. These shows are open for everyone as usual. There is no online sale of the tickets, the box office will be open before the show. You can also reserve your tickets at

Childcare on Sunday 19.3.2023
For the Sunday 19.3. performance, free childcare will be provided between 16:30 and 18:30 p.m. by a Gioia Cares professional for children 10 and under. Registration is requested:

Content warning:
The play “Sei kein Mann!” (Don’t be a man!) also highlights the toxic sides of “being male”: it deals, among other things, with boundary transgressions, violence and suicide.

The topics are prepared for children from 12 years.


Be a man. Don’t be a man. Real men are feminists. Show feelings. Pull yourself together. Be cool. Pussy! What masculinity suits me, what images of masculinity are inside you? Where do these images come from? And what does patriarchy have to do with it?

To live music, the Bernese Kollektiv F clears out old habits and burned-in images of masculinities in their latest dance piece. A critical, funny, feminist, accessible and sensual dance evening for young people and adults.


Kollektiv F’s latest dance production tackles images of masculinity that are prevalent in advertising, sports, social media, music, film, etc. These instantly recognizable images are accepted as the valid versions of what masculinity is: strong, aggressive, ambitious, successful, dominant.

“Don’t Be a Man!” challenges these images and argues for masculinities in which men cooperate more than compete, dance more than fight, cry more and laugh more, express feelings and listen to each other, really listen. It shows how the toxic system of patriarchy is deeply damaging to women, to relationships, but just as much to men. The male performers reflect on what the patriarchy has taught them and what they want to dispose of in the hazardous waste.


Choreografie: Vanessa Cook
Musik: Luz González
Tanz: Arno Brys, Emanuel Rüfenacht, Petr Nedbal
Bühne und Kostüme: Renate Wünsch
Lichtkonzept und Technik: Mirjam Berger
Konzept, Recherche, Vermittlung: Luzius Engel
Produktionsleitung: Nina Engel
Aussenauge: Noëmi Gradwohl
Koproduktion: Dampfzentrale Bern
Fotos: Nicole Pfister

Gefördert durch:
Kultur Stadt Bern
SWISSLOS/Kultur Kanton Bern
Burgergemeinde Bern
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung

Mit freundlicher Unterütztung für die Schulvorstellungen von Kulturförderung für Kinder- und Jugendkultur, Stadt Bern
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