This event unfortunately had to be cancelled. Further information here.
See the world through different eyes. Explore, discover and marvel. Three bizarre beings move through a material stage landscape. Together they live in this diverse, ever-changing ecosystem. They play, quarrel, sleep, dream, dance, build nests, search, hide and hoard food. They care for each other and nurture the surrounding environment. A sensual dance performance that playfully approaches an interspecies, synergistic coexistence between humans and the environment.
Lea Moro works as a Swiss choreographer, dancer, lecturer and cultural manager in Berlin and in Zurich. She develops innovative performances that explore the physical, social and emotional layers of human connections and encounters. With «All Our Eyes Believe» she developed her first production for a young audience.
Konzept, Choreografie: Lea Moro. Co-Choreografie, Tanz: Daniella Eriksson, Jorge De Hoyos, Michelle Moura. Sounddesign: Andres Bucci aka Future Legend. Kostüm- und Bühnenbild: Martin Bergström, Nina Krainer. Lichtdesign: Martin Beeretz. Dramaturgie: Mona De Weerdt. Künstlerische Mitarbeit: Choreografie Kiana Rezvani. Outside Eye: Leonie Graf. Outside Ear: Jana Sotzko. Dramaturgische Produktionsbegleitung (Tanzhaus Zürich): Marc Streit. Vermittlung: Lea Moro, Mona De Weerdt, Leonie Graf. Illustration, Grafik: Rommy González. Social Media Design (Instagram): Nima Dehghan. Produktion, Touring: Hélène Philippo.
Fotocredits: Andres Bucci