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Duration: 80 minutes
Language: short texts in English and Portuguese (Brazilian)


«THE MARKET» aims to change social reality. This playful, visually striking performance investigates consumerism and explores socio-economic alternatives to a world in which the richest 1% own twice as much as the bottom 90%. It opposes the capitalist market’s exploitation of the world and economic inequality through radical approaches to social thinking and collective imagination. And this stage performance really does generate enchanting ideas and embraces the joy of transformation.

Fernando Belfiore


Direction and Choreography: Fernando Belfiore
Creation and performance:
Isadora Tomasi, Maciej Sado, Rose Akras, Mavi Veloso, Nica Rosés and Fernando Belfiore
Sound: Isadora Tomasi
Live Painting: Nicas Rosés
Dramaturgy: Rodia Vomvolou
Costume Design: Ginta Tinte
Set Advice: Nikola Knežević
Light Design: Frank Oorthuys
Tour Techincal Director and Light Adaptation: Paul Beumer
Video Support and Advice: Jeremy From AlexEtJeremy
Concept Dramaturgical Dialogue: Maciej Sado
Artistic Advice: Renée Copraij, Suzy Blok
Photography: Matija Lukic, Jean-Luc Woodman, Patrick Glotain and Thiemi Higashi
Outside eye: Toni Steffens
Camera and Registration: Kyulim Kim
Production: DANSCO / Marieke van Bueren
Executive Production: Michael Scerbo

Thanks to: DanceSpaceDestiny and Gustavo Poubel

Contextual programme

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