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Duration: 55 minutes
Languages: none

On 23 October with DJ Şeyda Kurt after the performance.


The sounds of breathing, panting, shouting and screaming develop into an obsessive prayer. An ensemble of twelve shirtless dancers, sporting brightly coloured trousers and equally vibrant wigs, transforms these noises into a delirious soundtrack. The performance increasingly resembles a ritual dance, an anarchic incantation, an ode to life, somewhere between madness and wisdom. «M» celebrates the community as a source of unity and comfort, while also acknowledging its narcotic effect.

Marie Chouinard


Choreography and vocal score: Marie Chouinard
Dancers: Carol Prieur, Valeria Galluccio, Motrya Kozbur, Paige Culley, Clémentine Schindler, Luigi Luna, Jossua Collin Dufour, Adrian W.S. Batt, Celeste Robbins, Michael Baboolal and Rose Gagnol
Music: Louis Dufort
Lighting, set design, costumes and wigs: Marie Chouinard
Make-up: Jacques-Lee Pelletier
Production Manager: Jérémie Boucher
Rehearsal Directors: Lucie Vignault, Kimberley de Jong, Isabelle Poirier, Tony Chong and Ami Shulman
Lighting Assistant: Chantal Labonté
Costume Maker: Philippe Massé
Wigmaker: Stephane Scotto Di Cesare
Voice recording: Vincent Blain
Audio programmer: Maxime Lambert, Jérôme Guilleaume and Félix Lefebvre
Makeup Assistant: Johanne Viens
Camera and editing for the teaser: Gabriel Savignac
Photography: Sylvie-Ann Paré
Video capture: Camion Productions and Robin Pineda Gould

Supporters: Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Canada Council for the Arts and Conseil des arts de Montréal.

The COMPAGNIE MARIE CHOUINARD is proud to be carbon neutral. Since 2020, the company has analyzed and offset the carbon footprint of its tours, its productions and its studios. The company supports the Quebec initiative Carbone boréal, which reforests naturally deserted terrain in the boreal forests north of Lake Saint Jean. These are public lands which are protected by their designation as experimental forests in conjunction with the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks. This project is also used for scientific research.

Contextual Programme

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