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Prices: CHF 20.– / 30.– / 50.–
Price category freely selectable
U18: CHF 10.–
Kulturlegi:  16.- (box office only)
More Ticket Informations (U18, Kultur-GA, Wheelchair users)

«If life is a sum of experience, what remains when you subtract life?» asks writer and columnist Mely Kiyak. How do you prepare for your own death? And how do you live the life you have left? These are big questions that Kiyak asks herself in the face of a serious illness. She also addresses the topic in her books and reflects on how loss and grief can be written about – in a life-affirming way despite the gravity.
In her latest book «Dieser Garten», Mely Kiyak tells of courageous nuns who show solidarity and cultivate a garden in great peace and contentment.
Barbara Bleisch talks to Mely Kiyak about living and dying. Is it even possible to separate the two so strictly and where is the line between sick and healthy? But together they also talk about the cheerful and precious things in life.

«Honest, open dialogue has become precarious,» says the well-known philosopher Barbara Bleisch. After three successful years, the intensive discussions with inspiring personalities on topics that drive society are entering their next edition. Once again, the stage belongs to Barbara Bleisch four times a year. Each time, she meets an inspiring personality of her choice from the worlds of culture, politics, art and science to discuss current affairs. In 90-minute conversations, uncomfortable topics are addressed and questions are brought to a close – fabulously, honestly and without spectacle.

Mely Kiyak

Barbara Bleisch


Supported by:

  • GVB Kulturstiftung
  • Gesellschaft zu Zimmerleuten
  • Gesellschaft zu Schumachern

Book table in collaboration with Münstergass-Buchhandlung Bern


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